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Everything is gone, i'm gonna stay alone.
.Sunday, January 16, 2011 ' 12:40 AM
new blog, relink=)
and happy birthday to me,
i'm looking forward today!

Ended her day....

.Thursday, December 16, 2010 ' 11:44 PM

They are the ones who know me and understands me most.
You guys made my life colourful.
i have alot frens over the years,
no matter which stage of life.
but i know that different batch understands me to different certain,
and never does a batch sees me truly.
same for them, as some things would be better to keep unknown.
but, i believe they know the most percentage of me.
because they understand.
i think i'll try to do something to my blog...
i seldom change my blog,
cause there's too much memories in it.
although normally i bad mood den post la...
but really,
those are my footsteps.
so, reluctantly i considered to change a new blog overtime,
but ended up remaining the same.
but now,
i think it's time to move on.
a new beginning should await me...
a brand new website,
brand new skin,
a totally brand new blog.
the only thing which remains unchanged is it's owner,
and i think my method of posting ba...
cause a blog to me it's like a diary,
but i wonder why do i only use this diary when i'm in bad mood. haha
if i start a new blog,
the link will be posted here,
and this shall be the last post for this blog,
and the new post of the new blog starting with this picture.
if a new blog is opened,
it will be opened to public in the new year.
and i promise i'll try my best to update... haha.
with more pics, try.

Ended her day....

.Sunday, December 5, 2010 ' 11:37 PM
i know my emotions arn't expressed very clearly on my face other than laughing la..
but is there a need for you to be so slow in reacting?
it's as if you dun feel anything at all=.=
of is it that you dont bother to care?
after hanging out with others,
you totally changed=.=
like alot ppl realised it,
not only me...
and even ppl not close to me realised that i'm getting angry,
actually the felt i'm angry already...
but i'm pek chek only, not angry...
if i'm angry it's worst than that.
those who know me for years see easily that i'm angry,
cause they really understand...
but do you tell me you dont understand me?
i think at least you'll know the basics of me uh...
if you really care about someone,
you really wanna go feel,
it isn't hard to know what changes she had in her emotions...
even if you cant get the exact thinking of her,
you should know around where le...
but i really dunno what to say about you la...
it's like,
not i want say la..
but for me myself,
i really do feel that those people i know from primary sch understands me best.
it's not the years you know...
it's the feeling...
i just feel more comfortable with them,
i feel that i'm myself...
i was thinking maybe it was the change in my character after primary sch,
but maybe the main reason is everyone?
maybe it's just that our thoughts doesn't match.
ppl will say,
howcome? we do think alike!
that's only those certain parts,
which alot ppl can think alike...
it's the inner which counts you know...
the closest frens have different personalities,
and cause of the different personalities,
they fit perfectly...
i dunno what's the situation,
but i have a feeling that if this continues,
i rather be alone...
because at least being alone i can hear what my heart wants to say.

til the end,
although i change alot for some things,
i'll still say,
follow your heart.
but also,
use your brain when you follow your heart...

Ended her day....

.Tuesday, November 30, 2010 ' 11:47 PM
the holiday is quite peaceful lurh...
but it seems to past so quickly...
few days later and i'll be left with only 4 weeks of holiday...
but i didn't start with homework still hehe...

i dunno why,
but somehow i think this holiday nothing much really happened...
but why despite liddat,
i still have the feeling of being stressful and vexed..
like there's something inside my heart unable to open..
or maybe there are things for me to worry about,
just that i don't know,
i dont care,
or i choose to ignore it...
this feeling is always with me for years and years already,
ever since i know what worries is...
but it's just that sometimes i'm too busy,
too occupied to notice this feeling...
i think also because of this,
happiness is always short.
but who holds the key to open the lock for this?
i have no idea where the key is,
what the key is...
it's just like some things i can never figure it out...
for some things,
it just doesn't have definite answers....
it always depends on what point of view we are looking from,
how we think,
and that affects the answer we figure out..
so what is 100percent,
i think nothing is 100percent ba...
then why is there 100percent on earth?
because it is used to prove that things are not perfect...

oh yes...
and, if nothing goes wrong,
i think this year's new year i wont be in singapore...
cause holiday was planned to go some part of malaysia to play,
since we didn't go for holiday for quite long le...
also, didn't go my other gran hse quite long le...
but cause parent's schedules and stuff,
decided not to go...
but recently my mum did mentioned going m'sia for new year,
just that it isn't confirmed yet...
most probably on the chinese calander from 30th to 2nd.
idk what date it is on the english one...
but if it's confirmed i'll tell u guys kaes..
and sorry if i couldn't spent my new year with u guys...
some other year perharps...
cause actually,
i have no idea if i spent my new year in m'sia before already...
cause if i did,
it must have happened so so long ago...
my memories of new year are all in singapore...
ah and, if i'm in m'sia,
u guys can still message me and all...
i'll reply if i should n if i recieve it...
cause my prepaid card has alot money.. LOL...

hmm... i think i'm ending here, since it's so late already...

Ended her day....

.Sunday, November 21, 2010 ' 5:43 PM
previously i was checking on coming soon phones,
and i saw this phone - samsung S7230E wave723.
the phone applications and stuff are all enough for my requirement lurh..
den last mth it was out in i think us,
i was thinking maybe will be out in sg at around like dec...
den yesterday went to top up my superhot 128,
saw this phone in singtel le sia...
i was like so omg..
it really look nice to me though.. haha=)
the line my bro is using,
which would be my mum's soon since my bro wan student plan,
is the ione plus plan...
and for that plan,
the phone only cost $168.
for a phone which is just released,
it's cheap...
the price is near my w595 when it just released lurh...
but i'll have to wait for my mum's line to end den they can change the number n stuff,
which will be at like jan...
by den, i'll be like waiting for 1mth plus lurh..
but no choice,
since the line's not mine...
plus for the sake of my bro's blackberry... LOL
lucky i didn't ask my mum for iphone,
else i think they will be like poke le ba...
the pocket got big hole.. LOL...
realised the phone i like n see til de normally around this price de lurh...
not extremely good kind,
but i think is counted above average le ba...
my 595 was quite popular too,
but it has no wifi...
if got wifi i wont mind using it longer lurh...
this new samsung phone i saw is quite satisfying for my needs le...
5.1 megapixel camera with autofocus and LED flash,
touchscreen phone (actually doesn't matter since i wanted a QWERTY pad 1)
um... BADA os, which is i think only samsung phone have if i'm not wrong... the system was only created for like around 1yr or so...
and alot more things lurh...
another thing is,
the phone battery stand-by time is 700hrs for 2G, 600hrs for 3G.
is like almost 2times my 595 battery life...
so i think it should be quite good lurh...
and until now i think there isn't much bad comments about this phone... haha...

so if nth goes wrong,
i think i'll buy this phone next yr ba..
but it'll still be a long time lurh...
at least after my birthday.. haha

Ended her day....

.Saturday, November 20, 2010 ' 2:19 PM
i went through stuffs like this before,
maybe even worst situations...
but to be in a clique,
you should learn how to accept others..
if you're not changing your point of view,
standing on where you are standing,
den the thing would never be solved.
sometimes we should be the one who apologise,
or we should jus ask the other party out and talk things out.
as in talk things out 1 to 1,
not a big gang.
a gang of frens being there you'll never say things completely truthful,
and you're not being sincere in any position.
u see,
asking a gang of people there,
it's obvious u're looking for trouble..
we should know our limits.
there is a certain line we shouldn't cross...
even the closest frens in the world knows there must be a limit to things,
even strangers...

both parties are in the wrong,
but are you thinking what u did wrong?
i said before,
jiu suan normally do things,
we'll have to think over it and see what we should change ourself.
dun always expect others to change for the better,
change to satisfy us,
but we just stay who we are.
that's a selfish act...

in the past i never thought about so much before also,
but i'm learning...
jus cause i start to look from a different point,
i learn alot from stories.
shows, books, things happening around us and happening in us.
all this are learning points...
it just depends on how u see things...

Ended her day....

.Thursday, November 18, 2010 ' 10:19 AM
i'm really sian diao by jobs le lor..
howcome finding jobs is like so hard sia...
it's not as if we're so small rite...
somemore if not that we need some spare cash,
and also for hebe's concert,
i wont go do find this job when i'm going kisiao...
it's like we're trying diff job get diff experience also,
but nobody gives us a chance...
too small, etc..
so freaked out le sia...

i might be opening a blogshop,
but i wonder if anyone would be interested in what i'm going to sell sia..
cos i dun think ppl sell that normally...
still considering,
plus open le next year may not be too free to organise it too...
if i'm opening it,
i shall make everything perfect...
i want to give my best to customers,
unlike some irresponsible ones...

and, i've rebonded my hair yesterday!
or should i say the effect is like rebonding,
but it's not really rebonding.. LOL
cause according to the auntie it's xi zhi,
which i have totally no idea what is it...
den can wash hair anot i also dk,
which is totally freaking me out...
although yesterday at there wash so much times can = 3days no nid wash le,
but the hair will be still oily de what...
so idk lurh... shall see what peiqi's hairdresser says..

Ended her day....


Hello there.
Welcome to my personal blog.
No ripping or spamming is allowed here.
Hate me? LEAVE! Love me? Love you too.
Name: dawn wen hui
NickName: ILY;IMY=)Wh
DOB: 16/01~
Age: 13~14
School: btpsian Dunearnites
add me pls i want 2 keep in contact
with old fren,
and make new frens!
lost in my world

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PS: If I Missed You Out,
Or needed to be relinked,
Pls Tag In The TagBoard.
I'll try to update changes asap.
cheryl pam❤
daniel ng❤
Felicia koh❤
Felicia Ng❤
Hui Lin❤
hui xin❤
jie qi❤
jia pei❤
Kang Wei❤
li yan❤
mei fang❤
pei xuan❤
Pei Qi❤
rui chen❤
rachel ngo❤
shian ru❤
shi hwee❤
wu zong❤
Wang yiting❤
Xue Ting❤
xiao fen❤
yeong zhun❤
Priscilla tan❤


-May 2008
-June 2008
-July 2008
-August 2008
-September 2008
-October 2008
-November 2008
-December 2008
-January 2009
-February 2009
-March 2009
-April 2009
-May 2009
-June 2009
-July 2009
-August 2009
-September 2009
-October 2009
-November 2009
-December 2009
-January 2010
-February 2010
-March 2010
-April 2010
-May 2010
-June 2010
-July 2010
-August 2010
-September 2010
-October 2010
-November 2010
-December 2010
-January 2011


PS: If I Missed You Out,
Pls Tag In The TagBoard =DD
real mummy~0201??
Jie Qi~260196
Mei Fang~030396
Li Yan~180496
Guo Yi~020595
Jie Neng~070696
Heng Yi~070796
Shi Hwee~100896
Jun Liang~130996
Rui Chen~170996
yeong zhun(elmo)~041296
real daddy~2012??

Many Thanks

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